Sharing Box Shortcode
Avada has included a quick Sharing Box Shortcode so you can get your message out to the world! Choose an appropriate tagline that complements your blog, and customize it by choosing the tagline color as well as the sharing box’s background color. This shortcode allows you to personalize your icons, personally set the title and the description that will appear when it’s shared, and specifically allows you to upload a custom image for Pinterest.
Share This Story, Choose Your Platform!
Tagline & Content Customization
Create your own custom tagline and content to really let viewers know what your blog is all about. Click one of the social icons to see how it works! Tweak the tagline color as well as the sharing box’s background color.
This Is Your Custom Tagline!
This Is Your Custom Tagline!
Social Icons Customization
Personalize your social media icons by setting their color, and whether or not they’re displayed with a background. Increase the radius of the box to have circular icons. You can also determine the tooltip’s position, whether it’s top, bottom, left, or right.
Customize Your Icons
Complete Set of Options
Every option and description included with the sharingย shortcode is listed below.